Thursday, September 18, 2008

The First Week

Ellie has made it through her first week! She's very entertaining,
and we love having her. We also owe a ton of thanks to
Grandma and Grandpa for helping us get so well situated.

We had fun going on a picnic today down in Spanish Fork Canyon.
Ellie ate and slept for most of it, but we had a good time.
Everyone was enjoying climbing the rocks and just hanging
out together.

I had fun learning how to be a mom -- sitting back and watching
the festivities...

We did have a fun blow-out experience. But as Grandpa says,
many hands make for light work.

Grandma helped Ellie do some tummy time.

When Ellie falls asleep, she really falls asleep. This is how
she decided to lounge on my lap yesterday.

She also loves to cuddle. This is her spending time with her Daddy.

We also went up Provo canyon yesterday while Adam
went for a run.

She seems to enjoy sleeping in her carseat. She was knocked
out for a while after her doctor's appointment that upset her
greatly. It's hard to have people poke and prod at you.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We are happy to annnounce that Ellie Roggia has finally
come to join our family. She's a September 11th baby and
measured in at 7 lb 10 oz, 18 inches. She has been perfectly
healthy and has been the perfect addition to our family!