Sunday, September 14, 2008


We are happy to annnounce that Ellie Roggia has finally
come to join our family. She's a September 11th baby and
measured in at 7 lb 10 oz, 18 inches. She has been perfectly
healthy and has been the perfect addition to our family!


American Homemaker said...

Congrats!!! Jenni told me you had your baby. She is so beautiful and I love her name. Please call me if you need ANYTHING at all.

Momma Twitch said...

That's a GREAT use for that quilt I made! lol I'm SOO excited for Ellie. She's WAY too cute!

La Roggia said...

AW! She is so adorable! Congratulations to you and Adam! We can't wait till little Ellie's cousin comes! :D Love you!

Corley said...

YEA, for new babies!!!! she is absolutely adorable! can't wait to see her...and it looks like that will be not too far away!!! (i think we'll move there by maybe march or april or something)