Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our Historic Spring Break

Ellie and I were lucky enough to have Daddy home
with us EVERY DAY last week for his Spring Break.
It was so much fun to have him around. Ellie got EXTRA
attached to him as has been giving him LOADS of extra
hugs and kisses ever since. I love it. SO anyway, we chilled
together most of the week, but decided to take a day trip on
Friday and drive up to Gettysburg. It was a lot of fun. Ellie
liked walking around the museum (and sitting on all of the
different benches along the way... "sit down... sit down"...
I can still hear it). Anyway, then we took a driving tour of
the battlefields. It was beautiful and very awe-inspiring.

My handsome husband posing on a battlefield.

Then a quick peek at the belly that's been growing.

We didn't get a ton of pictures or wander much since
Ellie spent the whole driving tour like this.

The old buildings and houses were beautiful. There were
monuments everywhere, and I was lucky to have Adam teach
me about the battles and sequences of events along the way as
I drove. This cemetery in the picture is actually where Lincoln
stood to give the Gettysburg Address... very cool.

Then we stopped to eat our lunch in an empty
parking lot. Adam sat on the ground behind the car,

While Ellie and I sat in the back to stay a little sheltered from the wind.

Until Ellie decided to climb out and put on a total
show for us. She was just dancing and jabbering and
being a complete goofball. She loves to show off and make
people laugh and clap for her.

See what I mean?

That's our Ellie.

She ate most of her lunch on the way home. She
loved having her own little tray of food to hold.
It was a great trip.


Ilene and Zac Thatcher said...

So fun! Love the cute little belly! I think Ellie is going to be a wonderful junior mom :)

Melanie said...

Okay, I LITERALLY JUST found out you're pregnant. How come nobody told me?! OMG! Congratulations! How far along are you/when are you due?!

Melanie said...

ps. i'm sad a little Roggia Roggia vacay didn't work out for spring break! :(

Hayley said...

I know... we wanted to work something out and come down, but it just wasn't happening in time. Anyway, yeah, Adam and I didn't realize that you and Dean weren't there on that group chat thing when we told everyone about the pregnancy... sorry! We really weren't keeping it from you on purpose... we just forgot. But yeah, I'll be 20 weeks as of tomorrow, and the ultrasound is on the 23rd, so we'll let you know what happens!