Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kitchens, Boats, Logs, Races, and Bellies.... OH MY!

I decided that since I'm never happy with how the whole house
looks at any one given time... I will post new apartment
pictures gradually, starting with the kitchen,
as I spent lots of time scrubbing it the other day (not easy to
clean a floor on your hands and knees while being
7 or 8 months pregnant).

Yesterday, we got to go out on some boats at Cathy and
Jason's. We had a good time relaxing... and getting our
legs sunburnt... or at least that's what I did.

Last weekend, we went to the Scottish festival in Spanish Fork.
It was fun to watch the games... Adam said he felt a little
out of place with all the blondes and redheads around him.

We woke up nice and early yesterday and went to American
Fork for Adam to do a last minute 5k... to jazz up his workout
I guess. He did pretty well for someone was just "taking it easy",
6th in his age group at 20:59.

And of course, an updated belly shot. This was taken today,
just past my 32 week mark. I'm standing with the new,
but used, stroller that we bought a couple of days ago.
It was a great deal... and I'm very excited to get to that
day when I can start jogging with it!

FOR MOM: These are the colors on the bedding I bought
for the crib. It's not like the whole room is that color...
hard to coordinate those things when you're renting places.
But that's the idea... fun and bright.


angie said...

I love the bright colors for the baby's room... super cute!

Corley said...

you look beautiful toots! Pregnancy fits you well! love you.

Heather said...

I love the life jacket over your belly! You're cute. And your kitchen looks great. I love the bright white cabinets. And good job to Adam!