Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Love to Recline....

We must first start this blog by giving a nice, BIG
THANK YOU to Mom and Pop Roggia for
the wonderful new recliner! There is finally
a means of relaxation and refuge during these
last rib-crushing weeks of pregnancy!

As evidenced below, this was a month of significant
growth and expansion. I didn't realize how huge I
look now until I downloaded these pictures!
Here's me at 35 weeks.

Here are a couple quick shots of our living room, for
Momma G. Some of our walls still look a little bare,
but it's a nice space. We just haven't really decided on the
best place to keep the new chair yet.

I made scones for the first time... and they were quite
delicious and satisfying. Brought back memories from home.
I think scones were one of my favorite things for dinner...
probably because of the yummy sweet toppings I always
use on them.

A quite shot of the office/baby's room. I've since put the
bedding on the crib... and the room is a little cleaner now,
but I guess this will do for now. And you can see the
stroller we got our awesome deal on... yay craigslist!


Momma Twitch said...

NICE CHAIR!!! It looks SOO comfy!

Ilene and Zac Thatcher said...

That recliner looks sooo comfy! I think it's hilarious that I've seen more of you guys' apartment on here and we live right above you! :) And girl, you look skinny compared to my big ol tum tum.