Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Update...

As of tomorrow, Ellie will be 7 weeks old.
She's doing great... keeping us busy, as well as entertained.
Last week, she rolled over on the bed... from tummy to back!
The surface was slightly slanted, which helped, but it was
still impressive to watch. But then again, she's so wirey that
she's been rolling onto her side since her first week or two.
She smiles lots now, but whenever I get the camera out,
she just stares at it, and stops smiling, like the photo below.

Here she is in her swing, with the dolly she got from
her Grandma Garner.

This is me in my usual place, rocking Ellie over and over,
wishing she liked sleeping in her bed a little more...

A happy diaper changing break.

Here's Adam with his fresh haircut, executed by none
other than myself! It was my first haircutting job ever,
granted, it's the hard to mess up a buzz, but I'm still
proud of the meticulous care I used, ensuring that not a
single hair would be missed!

Ellie likes to chill. She always wants to be held, but
prefers to be sitting up, mostly on her own. I can't
wait till she can move around by herself... we can tell
she will be much happier then!

We just like this bear coat too much. She's adorable!

She wanted to model her Nike gear for Grandpa Garner!
Sitting in the chair on her own is also a favorite position...
she loves being independent!

This is Ellie in a cute dress she wore two Sundays
ago to church. I love how big her eyes look sometimes.


Ephraim said...

I LOVE her big eyes and red hair! What a cutie! See you soon!!!

Momma Twitch said...

SOOO CUTE! She's starting to get a little chunk to her. I love it! You guys coming up on Halloween???

Cathy Roggia said...

She is so cute! I like the mother/daughter picture in the red chair. Lovely mother... Great first haircut on Adam!