Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More to come.....

Okay, so Ellie has been lucky enough to have cousins in town
for her birthday weekend.... but for me, this means an incredible
abundance of photos that are hard to pick and choose. So... this is
the first in a series of posts that I hope to accomplish in the
next day or so. No birthday party shots in this one, but I'll
get them up soon... I promise!

Grandpa took two days off of work this week, and the grandkids
could not have been more pleased. They had a blast with him
at the lake two days in a row!

Adorable cousin Isabella.

Ellie being a goofball... She LOVES the water. We had
trouble keeping her from crawling off into the deep over
and over again. Her sideways-head-smile is something she
does a lot when she's excited or pretending to be shy.

Tough man-cousin, Ezra!

We had a picnic lunch for a break. Ellie ate an entire full-size
peanut butter and honey sandwich... she was in heaven.

Cousin Max showed off his skills on the monkey bars.

Ellie was able to hang by herself for a few seconds.
She was very pleased with herself. She loves pull ups.

More Grandpa time. Ellie has had a little trouble sharing
him with her cousins this weekend... but she's getting better.

Nice and Filthy, the way she loves it.

Swinging around.

Ellie decided to help Grandma take care of Ezra. She would pet
his head and try to copy Grandma, saying "niiiiiiice". Very cute.

A collection of pictures of the two girl cousins. Izzy was sooo
nice to Ellie, which made Ellie very content to just follow her
sweet cousin everywhere and try to be just like her.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Aw! Can you beLIEVE she's ONE?! Isn't that crazy?! I can't believe she's already talking! Looks like she had a blast with her cuz's!